Shala Etiquette and Guidelines

Practice Guidelines:

  • The Mysore program is built upon a strong foundation of trust between the teachers and students. Prior to acceptance into the Mysore program, an interview is required of each student. This gives us a chance to speak, share personal experiences, ask and answer questions, and set clear expectations of each other. Please contact Priya to schedule an interview prior to your first practice.
  • Please check yourself in upon arrival by signing the daily “Sign-in Sheet” each time you come to practice. Payments can be left in the “Drop Box” hanging off the check-in desk or paid online via Zelle. Each member of the AYA community is entrusted to manage their own account and pay Shala fees as they become due at the beginning of each month, without notice or supervision by us. This allows us to focus our time and energy on you and your practice rather than devoting excessive resources to administration.
  • Please maintain personal cleanliness and bring your own yoga mat and towel to practice daily. A hot shower before practice helps to increase flexibility and mental focus. Refrain from wearing any fragrances when coming to the Shala, as strong smells can make practice and breathing difficult for others. Dress in comfortable and modest clothes, being respectful of others and the Shala.
  • Please do not eat before practice.  Ideally your digestive system should be as empty as possible. Refrain from eating any food at least 2-4 hours prior. Early morning practice is best after emptying bowel and bladder. Refrain from drinking water during practice, unless otherwise advised.
  • No water bottles, cell phones, or other accessories are allowed in the practice space. Please keep the floors clear of anything but your mat and towel. All personal belongings should be stored in designated cubbies during practice, and cell phones that are brought into the Shala must remain off or silent.
  • Do not ask for postures. Postures are given as/when deemed appropriate by the teacher.
  • If you need assistance, please make eye contact with the teacher and wait patiently.
  • Our goal is to create a safe and sacred space for practice — one that cultivates relationships of trust and respect, and allows for honest, open communication between teachers and students. While hands-on adjustments are common in our teaching practice, if anyone feels uncomfortable with or wishes not to receive such adjustments, please communicate this with the teachers. We respect each student’s agency over their own body and honor each student’s wishes.
  • New students and out-of-town practitioners who practice beyond Primary Series: Please practice only Primary Series when starting at the Shala, until we have an established relationship and have approved your progression beyond Primary Series.
  • Please maintain silence during and after practice, being mindful of others who are practicing around you. Social conversation is not to be had during practice hours at the Shala. Conversation is only permitted between the teacher and a student in relation to practice. Our vision is to build a sacred space for practice and community! That said, social gatherings will take place from time to time, giving students an opportunity to engage and socialize with other members of the AYA community.
  • Covid Protocol: For Covid positive cases, per the CDC’s recommendation, you can leave isolation after 5 days but should mask until day 10, therefore we ask students to have a negative test and wait 10 days from the date of a positive test to return to the Shala. If you are symptomatic and unsure of whether it is Covid or something else, you can follow the general “health protocol” below.
  • Health Protocol: For cases of flu or other viral infections, students should wait until they have been fever-free for 48 hours (without fever reducing medications) and major symptoms have subsided, such as cough or runny nose/sinus drainage, before returning to the Shala. For questions or concerns regarding illnesses, please contact Priya.

Payment and Dues:

Students are expected to pay for the entire month of practice on the first day of each month. Please manage your accounts reliably and in a timely manner. New students starting after the first of the month will be prorated for their first month only. Please do not ask to prorate monthly Shala dues for miscellaneous absences.

Payments are to be made via Zelle, cash or check payable to Ashtanga Yoga Austin.


Street parking is available all along Robert Browning, Page Street and Ruiz Street. There is also a parking lot located behind the yoga shala between Robert Browning and Philomena Street, accessible from the alleys off of Page Street and Ruiz Street.