
Yoga and the Nervous System:

Eddie Stern and Darshan Shah, MD

This is an article published in Namarupa Magazine, Issue #23 on Yoga and Science. It is the transcription of a talk given by Dr. Darshan Shah and Eddie Stern in Austin, Texas, on September 4th, 2016, hosted by Priya Jhawar and Ashtanga Yoga Austin.

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Mueller Living Magazine

November 2017 issue

“Discover Ashtanga Yoga,” pages 22-23

Cover Story: “Meet The Shah Family,” pages 28-30

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Sharath Jois on How a Local Shala Offers More Than a Workout

Having a go-to yoga shala isn’t simply a space to practice asanas.
Here’s how belonging to one studio can take you to a higher place in all aspects of life.

Photography by Tom Rosenthal

It is very important to have a connection to a local yoga shala. For one thing, a shala motivates you. You see others practicing and you feel like practicing. When students practice at home, especially beginners, it’s easy to become distracted or to have interruptions. But at a shala, a teacher has created a space to practice with a certain energy. He or she guides the student and, thus, the valuable student-teacher relationship begins.